Grant, this is an excellent post. And I’m a fellow asexual, actually, who is not sexually attracted to anyone, and am a Catholic layman who made a private vow of celibacy almost a year ago.

A couple questions for you:

1.) Can we connect through e-mail? We seem to have similar vocations, and friendship and prayer are a big part of my vocation, and I’d love to support you in one or both of those ways.

2.) I don’t have a problem with Pride Month in theory, but in practice I tend to avoid festivities around it because of how sexualized many of the festivities are that celebrate it, plus I think drag shows are misogynistic and highly sexualized.

Given the above I just described, are there activities during Pride Month that are just about support, friendship, and fellowship and don’t have the sexualized stuff or drag or anything like that? If there are, then that is stuff I could in good conscience support.

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Thanks for this. I found your reflections on the subject of pride to be very relevant in general, as well as to the LGBTQ+ community. You’ve also succeeded in making me go and listen to Ambling Alp. It’s a good song!

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